October 08, 2024
Mission Statement

STEP UP TO THE PLATE, PLAY INDOOR BASEBALL, NFP  is a registered   501 (c) 3 non-profit,  sports program  in the midwest of United States.   The focus of the programs will be to promote  sports participation, teamwork,promote healthy development and teach the  fundamentals of baseball.  An intense effort will be aimed at fostering national and international competition for baseball, softball,etc. Health awareness,access to sports medicine  are all focal points of the org. Concepts, techniques introduced  around the world will be highlighted in various aspects of sports theory. The org. will create international allies to promote national and international competition.  Our Hosting includes, soccer, hockey, basketball,volleyball, martial arts, cheerleading, swimming, scuba classes.  All are welcome .  STEP UP TO THE PLATE, PLAY INDOOR BASEBALL,NFP.    FRANKFORT,IL. 60423 OR THE REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS: 21470 ENGLISH CIRCLE, FRANKFORT,IL. 60423  THANK YOU . FEIN : 432098551.  THE ORG. ASKS FOR YOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION FOR THE SUPPORT TO BUILD YOUR STADIUM.  WE NEED 40 MILLION US DOLLARS TO SECURE THE PROJECT FINANCING, WILL YOU HELP RESTORE BUSINESS TO ILLINOIS?  PROMOTE TOURISM, PHYSICAL FITNESS,LEADERSHIP FOR YOUTH. PLEASE VISIT OUT DONATION PAGE TO SECURLY MAKE YOUR END OF YEAR TAX DEDUCTION.  DLN: 17053323036017.   SPECIAL THANKS TO EXELON/COM ED UNITED WAY AND A T & T  YOUR CAUSE CAMPAIGN EMPLOYEES